Rated PG-13 • Score: 9.5/10

I loved this film, but part of me hopes I never have to watch it again. The other part of me wants to take every person I know by the hand and walk them to the theater and watch as this story washes over them.

Till is a powerful story—and a true one—focused on the lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955. It’s a touching, powerful and at times jarring examination of racism and the power of a mother’s love and dedication to justice—even when she knows it’s a fruitless effort.

This story made me weep and it made me angry, but it also made me smile, and I absolutely hope it does the same for everyone who watches it. Weep for the injustices, for the fact every moment is rooted in truth. Feel angry over the racism, over the actions (and inactions) of every character.

But smile where you can, because dammit, you can’t help but do that when Emmett “Bo” Till is portrayed so wondrously by a kid like Jalyn Hall. Smile because the filmmakers delivers excellence, even when it means you feel every ache, every heartbeat and every every tear shed by Danielle Deadwyler in the role of Mamie as Emmett’s mother.

This movie isn’t fun, but it’s important. It’s not joyful, but it’s full of strength, as well as weakness. It’s not empty, it’s full—of challenges, of hate and of hope. It has a story to tell: one everyone—especially those who want to close their eyes and cover their ears—need to experience.

The writing on this film is masterful, and the writing is poignant. The camera techniques are top-notch and the direction by Chinonye Chukwu is terrific, too. One small nitpick I have is at times the music, as tremendous as it was, felt louder than perhaps it should have been. That left me wanting for more time to soak in certain moments, both those of joy and of dread.

The bottom line: There are a few jarring moments, so those with younger children should be wary, but all of it is key to the story. I hope every single person who sees this review goes to see this film. 9.5/10