REVIEW: She Said

Rated R • Score: 9/10

There’s a lot I’d like to say about this film—most all of it good—but this post will hardly do it justice. I simply don’t have all the words yet, honestly.What I will say is this: as a reporter myself, I’m a sucker for movies about the journalism profession. About the people who do incredible work and tell challenging, sickening and, at times, damning stories about people with power. This one is among my favorites.The story recounts the true journey of reporters from the New York Times in their efforts to uncover the truths about misdeeds in Hollywood—specifically those about Harvey Weinstein. It leans into their perspective and their struggles throughout, as well as those of Weinstein’s victims. Spoiler: It is absolutely gutting.However, it does an excellent job demonstrating both the amount of work that can go into a story and the horrors of sexual assault, not to mention the price of trying to hold truth to power—for victims and journalists alike.The bottom line: This is a powerful film—one that should effectively answer those who ponder, “Why did these women stay silent?” … I hope you’ll never ask that again after watching this. 9/10