REVIEW: The Fablemans

Rated PG-13 • Score: 8.5/10

Based in part on the childhood and adolescence of its director—and the all-time great—Stephen Spielberg, The Fablemans is a timeless, treasurable experience that gets at the heart of what it means to be creative.This movie felt like it was shot in the late 70s or early 80s, and I mean that in the best possible way. The camera work, both with the film itself and the stories told within, is impeccable and further amplifies a story that feels like it was yearning to be told.I loved this movie, particularly the moments that soaked in the lived experiences of the main character, Sammy (Gabriel LaBelle), and his journey of discovering and nurturing his love for filmmaking. Likewise, Sammy’s relationship with his mother, Mitzi (Michelle Williams) was equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking. A pleasant surprise for me was Seth Rogan’s performance (I wasn’t even aware he was in this movie), as he delivered throughout.All this to say that while I certainly love this film, it’s probably not going to strike everyone in the same personal way it did me. I’ll also note that while the story and writing did drag on occasion, most of the move flowed well.The bottom line: It’s sure to be an Oscar darling, and it’s surely a favorite of mine this year, but individual mileage will vary. 8.5/10